Oberon/Theseus in A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare

The Arc Theatre

"Or if thou follow me, do not believe but I shall do thee mischief in the woods" 

— Oberon in A Midsummer Night's Dream

The Arc Theatre returns to Shakespeare on the Ridge for its 10th anniversary with the show that started it all: “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”. Starry-eyed young lovers and a couple of ambitious actors escape the rigid world of Athens and enter into a magical woods inhabited by spectacular faeries who’s lust for mischief is fueled by their own torrid romance. Perfectly suited to Shakespeare on the Ridge’s outdoor stage at twilight, this re-imagined adaptation of Shakespeare’s most famous comedy is Arc at its best. arctheatrechicago.org

Evanston RoundTable, Shawn Jones

Kade Cox brings a regal manner to both Oberon and Theseus, showing the proper gravitas, and necessary ridiculousness, of a husband willing to be cuckolded just to make a point.”


Ridgeville Park

908 N Seward St.

Evanston, IL

Written by:

William Shakespeare

Directed by:

Mark Boergers

Assistant Directed by:
Daniel Sappington

Costume Design:

Hailey Rakowiecki

Scenic Designer:

Cailin Short

Stage Manager:

Taran Snodgress