KADE COX [he/they] is a Chicago-based actor, hailing from a tiny town just outside of Area 51. ...Ooh, Aliens! Most recently, he understudied Puck/Egeus in A Midsummer Night’s Dream at Oak Park Festival Theatre. He is a graduate of Southern Utah University, where he earned a BFA in Classical Acting. ...Ooh, Shakespeare! Other credits include Mercutio in Romeo & Juliet (The Den Theatre), Sharpe in Equivocation (Idle Muse Theatre Company), Ken in Red (Southern Utah Museum of Art), and God in An Act of God (Las Vegas Little Theatre). Kade is a fan of the color chartreuse, coffee, and "Chromatica II" into "911" by Lady Gaga. ...Ooh, insta: @kado.kade!

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